
This site is only for demonstration purposes and has no affiliation with Capitaland or any of the retailers featured in this demo.


Gamification Demo

(DTSMKT@AR Reward Anywhere + DTSMKT@Mall Promotion)

Gamification program which involves Augmented Reality (AR) Experiences for all consumers. Consumers need to grab all the AR Rewards to claim a reward from Pacific Plaza. Registered users enjoy a greater value of reward.

Users can spend the reward at the participating stores:

  1. Nike 
  2. Good Taste
  3. Escape Room

Consumers scan the QR to grab all the AR Rewards.

Two different QR codes will be prepared for the vendors, as each QR offers unique discounts for registered users group and non-registered users group respectively.

Vendors are required to print both QR codes.

10% discount voucher QR for registered users to redeem
5% discount voucher QR for non-registered users to redeem

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